Wipocalypse 2017 - March

Hello from Japan!
This is my March post about the WIPocalypse 2017.

I'm a Japanese stitcher who often use full cross-stitch 1 over 1 on 36 ct fabric.
Sometimes motif from cross-stitch pattern books, and at other times create it by myself from pixel art. And I'm one of HAED - Heaven and Earth Designs - stitcher!

My projects

1. Moo Quack Moo (Heaven and Earth Designs : Art by Gordon Fitchett) - Hope to finish this year (complete 9.5/24)
Feb 08, 2014 to Mar 10, 2017

>> Progress
  • 399W x 293H / full cross-stitch 1 over 1
  • 87 solid colors by #25 DMC
  • 36ct Antique White Evenweave (100% cotton)

Happy stitching!


  1. Great progress Angie. I hope you get it finished this year too!
    Happy stitching.
    xo Alicia
